Monday 1 December 2014

Self Employed

Actually since I comprehend myself by rsrsr individuals, I have dependably been near a sewing machine for my Grandma constantly made their own particular garments, and has up to now a vigorele artist , those great old pedal , which is a relic and amazingly ... she still funciona.I'm actually having a grandma who can sew , I never had me inspired by learning , however constantly appreciated artworks provide for sew was a pulo.Desde my child was conceived " quit working " .Nesse period I took a course of modern sewing , and I could purchase my machines have a straight , serger and galoneira , I made a cutting stroke and sewing , yet the majority of the minimal I know , I learned atravéz books and the web ai likewise had the thought of ​​blog later on need to head off to college Fashion Design , effectively seeing a few pieces I 'll do it without anyone's help , then sewing for me is not just side interest is additionally trabalho.The  work we do and like is WONDER.

Thursday 14 March 2013


Sabrina is a feminine given name taken from the Roman name for a river in mid-Wales which flows into England, there known as the Severn. According to a legend recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the 12th century, Habren or Sabrina, the Latinized form of the river's British or proto-Welsh name, was the daughter of a king named Locrinus by his mistress, the Germanic princess Estrildis. Locrinus ruled England after the death of his father, Brutus of Troy, the legendary second founder of Britain.

Locrinus cast aside his wife, Guendolen, and their son Maddan and acknowledged Sabrina and her mother, but the enraged Guendolen raised an army against him and defeated Locrinus in battle. Guendolen then ordered that Sabrina and her mother be drowned in the river. The river was named after Sabrina so Locrine's betrayal of Guendolen would never be forgotten. According to legend, Sabrina lives in the river, which reflects her mood. She rides in a chariot and dolphins and salmon swim alongside her. The later story suggests that the legend of Sabrina could have become intermingled with old stories of a river goddess or nymph.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Lesser Goldfinch

This American goldfinch ranges from the southwestern United States (near the coast, as far north as extreme southwestern Washington) to Venezuela and Peru. It migrates from the colder parts of its U.S. range.
The Lesser Goldfinch often occurs in flocks or at least loose associations. It utilizes almost any habitat with trees or shrubs except for dense forest, and is common and conspicuous in many areas, often coming near houses. It is common at feeders in the Southwest United States and will come almost anywhere with thistle sock feeders. Flocks of at least six birds will often be seen at feeders. It feeds mostly on tree buds and weed seeds; geophagy has been observed in this species.

The nesting season is in summer in the temperate parts of its range; in the tropics it apparently breeds all-year round, perhaps less often in September/October. It lays three or four bluish white eggs in a cup nest made of fine plant materials such as lichens, rootlets, and strips of bark, placed in a bush or at low or middle levels in a tree.

The moult occurs in two different patterns which coincides with the blackness of the upperparts quite well. Here too is a broad zone of intergradation. Pacific birds moult after breeding, and females shed a few body feathers before breeding too. Juvenile males shed more remiges than females when moulting into adult plumage. East of the 106th meridian west, birds moult strongly before breeding and replace another quantity of feathers afterwards, and postjuvenal moult does not differ significantly between the sexes. However, this seems dependent on the differing rainfall regimes; simply put, birds at least anywhere in the North American range moult most of their plumage at the end of the dry season and may replace more feathers at the end of the wet season.

Considered a Species of Least Concern by the IUCN due to its vast range, it nonetheless seems to be declining locally. For example, it is rare in the Ecuadorean Andes foothills.

Thursday 8 December 2011

American White Ibis

The American White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) is a species of wading bird in the ibis family Threskiornithidae. It occurs from the mid-Atlantic and Gulf coast of the United States south through most of the New World tropics. This ibis is a middle-sized bird with an overall white plumage, bright red-orange down-curved bill and long legs, and black wing tips that are usually only visible in flight. Males are larger and have longer bills than females. In the breeding season, the range spans along the Gulf and Atlantic Coast and also along the coasts of Mexico and Central America, and birds gather in huge colonies near water. Outside the breeding period, the range extends further inland in North America and also includes the Caribbean. It is also found along the northwestern South American coastline in Colombia and Venezuela. Populations in central Venezuela overlap and interbreed with the Scarlet Ibis. The two have been classified as a single species.

The diet consists primarily of small aquatic prey such as insects and small fishes. Depending on the habitat and the prey abundance, the American White Ibis will adjust its diet although studies have found crayfish to be its preferred source of food in most regions. It is a tactile, non-visual forager whose main foraging behavior is probing its beak into the water to feel for and to capture its prey.

Predominantly monogamous, the American White Ibis pairs up during the breeding season and both parents care for the young, although males tend to engage in extra-pair copulation with other females to increase their reproductive success. Males have also been found to pirate food away from unmated females and juveniles during the breeding season. Human pollution has affected the behavior of the American White Ibis via an increase in the concentrations of methylmercury from release of untreated waste into various habitats. Consumption of methylmercury affects the hormone levels of the birds, disrupting their mating and nesting behavior and leading to lower reproduction rates.